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Welcome to our blog

We are a vibrant and charismatic group of young people from the Greater Toronto Area focused on conveying songs that speak to God as both salvation and consolation. Our passion in delivering this message by blending hard-hitting traditional gospel with a contemporary flare, has platform them to reach an audience of all ages.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #16

"Wow!! Where to start??
Oh man! There are truly TOO many and as for me, I created a lot of moments within myself (LOL)  . ... Well looking back on my experience with the choir, my most memorabe moments has to be when some previous members were here and everytime we finished a song, somehow "Deacon" would start a reggae beat and those two, including myself and some other altos and I'd see u too CJ (lol) beginning to dance and sing our original songs JA style. Love u all. . Truly it is a blessing to see where the Lord has brought us from!!"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #15

"I don't have any one memory, but I must say that I am just excited to be around a group of young people who grasp the fact that what they are engaged in is ministry and not entertainment and that they are first ministering to God, to the hearers and then to themselves. I'm sure it wasn't and hasn't always been easy to be present Tuesday upon Tuesday in the midst of other commitments such as school, work or both! So I celebrate all of you. Through my short tenor I have become acquainted and have become friends with saints I would not otherwise have known so it is a great privilege for me to be a small part of this endeavor."