Welcome to our blog

Welcome to our blog

We are a vibrant and charismatic group of young people from the Greater Toronto Area focused on conveying songs that speak to God as both salvation and consolation. Our passion in delivering this message by blending hard-hitting traditional gospel with a contemporary flare, has platform them to reach an audience of all ages.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #2

"People will never truly come to grips or just plain understand why Fellowship is more than FELLOWSHIP!!  I LOVE Fellowship...no but I love Fellowship...no but I love FELLOWSHIP!!! I'm proud to say that I have devoted about 500 TUESDAYS in the past 10+ years to MY FELLOWSHIP!!!!! Sunday, Monday, FELLOWSHIPDAY, Wednesday, Thursday...Yes we have effectively re-written the calender week as such!

When you all sang at my wedding...and including you all in our special day was memorable also!!!

I will and have gone to war for my FELLOWSHIP...and wouldn't change a thing about it!!!!

Thirty-THREE and three (plus verse four...for Graz)...band like none other!!! 

The best set of YOUNG PEOPLE EVER...God Bless you all...I Love you all!!!

This CD recording experience [after SATURDAY, June 2] will be the MOST memorable thing about this choir ALSO...By far a dream/vision come true...God be praised!!!"

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #1

It's been 10 years of ministry and there's lots to celebrate and give God thanks for! Whether members have been a part of the choir from the beginning or just for a few months, everyone has their memorable moments being a part of the "Fellowship Fam"! Check out what members have to say...remember that our of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks!