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Welcome to our blog

We are a vibrant and charismatic group of young people from the Greater Toronto Area focused on conveying songs that speak to God as both salvation and consolation. Our passion in delivering this message by blending hard-hitting traditional gospel with a contemporary flare, has platform them to reach an audience of all ages.

Read more about us

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #17

"Well...I still feel somewhat new to the Fellowship fam since its only been 7 weeks (mid-May 2012) since my Fellowship journey began.  So far though, I have experienced an array of blessed moments that cause me to look forward to each and every practice.  For instance...

Note Rolling through the McDonalds drive thru with me with our not so valid coupons asking God for his favour! ----"What happens in the Sonata, stays in the Sonata"  Lol!!!

Note A few weeks back we were practicing "Lord You're Worthy" and as we were singing the song I just about lost my mind!  That song was ministering to me in such a profound way.  All I wanted to do in that moment was WORSHIP.  Nothing else mattered.

Note Last but not least...E, the car rides back to the East never feel long enough when we get into full force KJV mode!  CRAZY!!

I thank God regularly for blessing me with the opportunity to be part of this choir.  Working alongside such anointed and beautiful people who love the Lord is definitely something that i am grateful for.  I look forward to the moments and memories that await!"

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #16

"Wow!! Where to start??
Oh man! There are truly TOO many and as for me, I created a lot of moments within myself (LOL)  . ... Well looking back on my experience with the choir, my most memorabe moments has to be when some previous members were here and everytime we finished a song, somehow "Deacon" would start a reggae beat and those two, including myself and some other altos and I'd see u too CJ (lol) beginning to dance and sing our original songs JA style. Love u all. . Truly it is a blessing to see where the Lord has brought us from!!"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #15

"I don't have any one memory, but I must say that I am just excited to be around a group of young people who grasp the fact that what they are engaged in is ministry and not entertainment and that they are first ministering to God, to the hearers and then to themselves. I'm sure it wasn't and hasn't always been easy to be present Tuesday upon Tuesday in the midst of other commitments such as school, work or both! So I celebrate all of you. Through my short tenor I have become acquainted and have become friends with saints I would not otherwise have known so it is a great privilege for me to be a small part of this endeavor."

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #14

"Well I must say we've had a TON of great memories Fellowship!!!!!!! One of the things I love about this choir is the actual 'fellowship' after our rehearsals. No matter how late, we have stood in the wintry cold...

The songs we can't put on the album :D "My Jesus will box you", "BERTDAY!!!", "@mstanecha can do it" Good times!!


TWITTERVILLE!!! (anybody with me??!)

Lovin' on my fship fam!!!!!!!"

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #13

"OK....well, when I look back over my FELLOWSHIP Journey,  and I think things over, you all should know that I can TRULY Say, I AM blessed!! Boy do I have a testimony.

My journey with FELLOWSHIP started as a supportive worshiper filming and recording lol...And subsequently getting caught singing over the video LOL! Well I would come to the practices, sit back, close my eyes and worship in the pew. Brothas n sistas, it was a Tuesday night service, no joke.

Prayer...woooosh. fantastic singing... woosh. A dope soprano section (really what got me and shocked me)....and of course I then realized all 4 sections are mighty talented, the 4th being the BAND.. the commitment our band has is unseen.

We are so blessed people!  With songwriters for days. We've finally made it to this special place and although I wasn't there in the beginning when FELLOWSHIP began nor physically present right now, I am deeply grateful to you all for the FELLOWSHIP most importantly Because if we all cannot relate and UNITE, it'll all be pointless and in vain.

Now, its debatable  but I think our best material was concocted right in that very parking lot!!! And even in the lobby...boy can we ramp but hey, we ramp fa Jesus. 

I'ma wrap it up and just say that FELLOWSHIP has given me something to look forward to each and every Tuesday....an evening really and truly given to GOD cause at the end of it all, the reality is that He deserves our worship and testimony through this ministry. 

Lets continue to lift each other, lift our voices and say thank you...for His goodness n His mercy, toward us!!

Bless up FELLOWSHIP and do it BIG. Do it LIVE. Do it ANOINTED. 

Love all y'all.  Big hugs for everyone!" 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #12

"My most memorable time of fellowship was when I first witnessed you all singing in Windsor last year (2011).  I did not know of Fellowship before then...I am thankful for Bro. Jerome's invitation to be a part of Fellowship; I must admit that I was reluctant but I am glad that I have been able to be among young people who are children of God over the last few months...  I appreciate all of you who have been kind and welcoming. I do look forward to creating new memories, growing with you, and to what God has in store!

Lastly, I am thankful and honoured for the privilege in sharing the [live recording] experience with all of you who have anticipated such for a number of years. I can only imagine that this experience was overwhelmingly exciting for those of you who have waited all this time - I am glad for you."

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #11

"One personal memory I will never forget about my time with fellowship was when I worked overnights at the call center...going to work 12am Friday night/Saturday morning after convention, still dressed in my suit, bringing my keyboard and stand and laptop to work, and practicing fellowship material between phone calls...OVERNIGHT!! 

And another similar night, minus the convention part but practicing because we were going to Emmanuel Studio in the morning... So while most of ya'll was sleeping;)... my Jesus and I..."

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10....lol

"Anybody remember the time we ministered at APC then went to Jack Astors and got free dessert after singing a song for the wait staff. Fun times!

...Or what about the time we were called the "Lean and Mean" choir! Lol. 

....How many of you remember us ministering at that one funeral where the African man almost frighten the daylights out of us with the random African greeting! OM... 

....Or singing "You're my Brother You're my Sister" and hugging the inmates at the women's prison and then the warden rushed in to remind us that we actually shouldn't have physical contact with the inmates (and particularly the brothers since it was an all women's prison!)... 

...Remember when we were singing that one song that we didn't know because for some reason we weren't at the rehearsal and we practically had to sing "watermelon watermelon" the whole time! Lol. Talk about fake it till you make it! 

...Or singing at that concert that had NO emcee or moderator... Just wait for our name to appear on the PowerPoint then go on stage! -_-

...What about singing at Jesus in the City...

...Or that time when the Mayor Hazel McCallion danced on stage with us during the Malton Community BBQ...

I could go for days with stories. But I won't. All in all it's been ten years of ups and downs.... But mostly ups! I couldn't have chosen a better group of young people to share my life with such as you all!"

So many memories...10+ years will most definitely do that! Some of them you just had to have been there and others, you can watch and get a glimpse of how much fun we had! Check out our You Tube Channel and our official website for pictures and videos!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #2

"People will never truly come to grips or just plain understand why Fellowship is more than FELLOWSHIP!!  I LOVE Fellowship...no but I love Fellowship...no but I love FELLOWSHIP!!! I'm proud to say that I have devoted about 500 TUESDAYS in the past 10+ years to MY FELLOWSHIP!!!!! Sunday, Monday, FELLOWSHIPDAY, Wednesday, Thursday...Yes we have effectively re-written the calender week as such!

When you all sang at my wedding...and including you all in our special day was memorable also!!!

I will and have gone to war for my FELLOWSHIP...and wouldn't change a thing about it!!!!

Thirty-THREE and three (plus verse four...for Graz)...band like none other!!! 

The best set of YOUNG PEOPLE EVER...God Bless you all...I Love you all!!!

This CD recording experience [after SATURDAY, June 2] will be the MOST memorable thing about this choir ALSO...By far a dream/vision come true...God be praised!!!"

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Favourite Fellowship Moments - #1

It's been 10 years of ministry and there's lots to celebrate and give God thanks for! Whether members have been a part of the choir from the beginning or just for a few months, everyone has their memorable moments being a part of the "Fellowship Fam"! Check out what members have to say...remember that our of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Praise him

Youngest member of 33:3 launched out with other choir members to Joy1250 and represented the band! This well-rounded musician has mad skills, and they all come from Jesus Christ alone! He certainly knows how to make a joyful noise unto the Lord and has a great time doing it! Go ahead and do your thang!

MZ Fellowship at Joy1250 AM

God is surely a good God and He has been opening up doors for us in the midst of working on our first commercial CD project!

On Sunday, May 27, a small group from the choir had the privilege to visit CJYE Joy1250 AM and be featured on Gospel Praise with Davina Japaul. Such a humbling, yet exciting experience allowed MZ Fellowship's ministry to be introduced to some and presented once again to others all across Southern Ontario.

Jerome (Choir Director) and Tanecha (Choir Administrator) shared their experience and information about the choir to a captive audience - both on traditional and online radio.

Stay tuned for more information about this experience...there even might be some video footage to share!

Check our Joy1250 AM online: Twitter: @joy1250 | Web: www.joy1250.ca | Facebook: www.facebook.com/joy1250  | Host: Davina Japaul on Facebook: www.facebook.com/people/Davina-Japaul/753895542

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The true essence of Fellowship

...is to come together and encourage, uplift and sharpen each others' countenance and souls. Not only is this a choir who knows the importance of entering into the presence of God and not only getting there, but staying there, we bask in the favour and the glory of God and understand the protection that is provided and the access to Jesus’ throne. 

Each choir practice is so much more than that...it's another chance to invoke the presence of God and to simply have church! With each member coming from different backgrounds, local church families and overall experiences, we are privileged and favoured to get the chance to come together and share what could be defined as one of the best gatherings of our week for the past 10 years.

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! Psalms 133:1

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Praise Him with the organs...

The driver and mastermind behind the various ranges and ample octaves of notes that choir members get to frequently reach. On the organ and the keyboard, being deep in thought and constantly in the zone makes way for lots of musical creativity and produces some hot tracks...dat's it, glory!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Praise Him on the High Sounding Cymbals...

It's "Deacon", our faithful and skillful drummer! Doesn't he make it look so easy? Humility is key and we're thankful that it's present here! Go on and praise the Lord on them drums!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Praise Him with stringed instruments...

Wherever you find our band leader ministering, Spectra or Ms. Smith (his bass) is always right there with him! Who else can come up with sick bass lines and play well under the influence of the Holy Ghost.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

MZ Fellowship is Moving Forward!

@mzfellowship ministers Moving Forward at Elder Fisher's... on Twitpic
On Saturday, March 24, the Mount Zion Fellowship Choir ministered and celebrated with Elder Oniel Fisher at the official book launch of his recently released book The Way Forward. The very timely and appropriately titled book was captured in song.

We recently launched a website and is embarking on our first recording project, scheduled for early summer. Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our You Tube channel and for more details of things to come!